Borders Music
News & Reviews
I've set this web site up to share a little bit of myself with you, the music loving photo taking, guitar obsessed side...yes, I'm one of those people you'll find either right at the front of a gig taking photos, or hiding behind the stage sniffing guitars...there's not much inbetween with me.
In the past I've been involved in running the Kelso Folk & Live Music Club, The Borders Singer Songwriter Circle, Open Mic Nights... I've also been involved in the organisation of events and gigs... I even did my time on the Radio hosting a golden oldies show mixed with live music, getting artists in as guests to showcase some of the great music we have right here at our fingertips in the Scottish Borders.
I can't sing, or play an instrament, other than the spoons, but that's never stopped me appreciating those who can, I love music in all its forms and this page will reflect my eclectic taste as well as giving you some information and gossip about what's happening locally in the Borders.
I hope you enjoy this site as much as I've enjoyed creating it, please feel free to send in any information about upcoming events and any new bands or artists you find....I'll look forward to hearing from you....Diane